
Faeborn and Changeling both refer to human-Fae offspring. Faeborn is the term that the Miridians use while Changeling is the term that the Fae use.

Faeborn/Changelings tend to face discrimination from Fae and Miridians alike. For the Fae, it is because they consider Changelings lesser. This attitude causes some Changelings to move elsewhere, such as Earth or Miridian. The planet that Miridian resides on is more preferred because it is wild with magic. However, Earth is safer since it's magic is more contained - the wilder the magic, the more dangerous the world. The Changelings that do venture into this other world try to locate civilizations like Miridian.

But as previously mentioned, Faeborn tend to receive discrimination from the Miridians. The Miridians' response is out of fear. The Faeborn have abilities and strength that are unmatched in the human population. Thus, the Faeborn are established as a low class. They work as servants and/or concubines for aristocrats, prostitutes for the military, and etc. Because Faeborn children are very adorable in appearance, they are often kidnapped and "adopted" into aristocratic and merchant households.